Language Policy

School Language Philosophy

Central Middle International School recognizes that language is central to learning, and all teachers are teachers of language. To that end, in conjunction with our school district, Central teachers participate in ongoing staff development that includes language instructional strategies.

Language Profile

Languages of teaching and learning in the International School at Central Middle School include English and Spanish. Languages of communication in the school and community include English and Spanish.

Language A

Language A is defined as English at The International School at Central Middle School. We recognize that English is not the mother tongue of some of our students; we strive for all students to acquire academic proficiency in English.

The language of communication with our families and communities is English, yet we also translate communication materials into the home language of our families, including Spanish.

All students study Language A each school day. Within Language A instruction, the goal is for all students to acquire proficiency in the four modalities: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Language B

Language B instruction supports the MYP Fundamental Concept of Intercultural Awareness and the IB Learner Profile. Learning an additional language is essential for students to understand other cultures and develop a mindset that values multilingualism and international mindedness. All Language B classes meet every school day all year long. We offer Spanish as our Language B option.

Within Language B instruction, the goal is for all students to develop proficiency in the four modalities: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

English Learners (EL)

The language of instruction at our schools is English, with the exception of Language B classes. The EL program exists to provide students with the means to acquire academic proficiency in English.

Additionally, maintenance and development of the mother tongue is valued. EL students are currently being served at Maple Crest Middle School; however, they may choose to attend the MYP program at the International School at Central Middle School.

All EL students participate in the MYP to the fullest extent possible. All subject teachers recognize that learning in a second language is a challenge, so they also focus on building key vocabulary necessary for successful completion of each course. Students are encouraged to use language of instruction whenever possible. If EL students find it difficult to express in the language of instruction, they may use other languages if their teacher and all classmates understand the other language. Teachers are required to use English as the language of instruction in the classes. They are expected to recognize the potential problems their students might face as EL learners and take appropriate steps to overcome the difficulties such as scaffolding teaching. We recognize that to gain academic proficiency, students may need EL support throughout the Middle Years Program.

Mother Tongue Support

To support students with a mother tongue other than English, we strive to provide bilingual support for classroom learning and for communication with families. Our Media Center includes books written in other languages and we continue to add to these resources. We also access district support for communicating with families and communities in languages other than English. We continue to investigate other avenues and resources for language support for all of our students.

Equity in access

Students at The International School at Central Middle School participate in the Middle Years Program to the fullest extent possible. Teachers of EL, special education, and literacy collaborate with subject area teachers to support academic language development in the Middle Years Program subject areas, including Language A. Additional support classes may be provided to newcomer English Learners, students with emerging literacy, and students whose Individual Education Plans specify alternative scheduling.

Professional Development

As far as the professional development is concerned, Language A and B teachers are expected to follow the latest trends in language teaching and follow the MYP language group web page and language teachers' forums.

Language Policy Development

The International School at Central Middle School Language Policy is available to all staff, students, and families on the school's website. This policy will be reviewed and refined on an annual basis to reflect our school's development and evolution within the Middle Years Programme framework.

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